Audit & Attestation Services

Our firm provides various services to fulfill the needs and requests of grantors, government reporting requirements, financial institutions, and governing boards. We will work with you to determine the type of engagement that would be best suited for your entity as well as provide an estimate of those services. Once we discuss your needs and determine the type of engagement that will suit you, then we will guide you through the entire process by first providing an extensive list tailored to your organization that requests the specific information needed to perform our services. We make ourselves available to answer any questions you may have throughout the engagement as well as throughout the year. We understand you will encounter new situations and questions after we complete our services, so be confident that you can contact us and get your routine questions answered without fear of additional costs. We are here to help you navigate the complicated financial and accounting world so that you can focus on the greater goals and objectives of your organization.


AuditMany not-for-profit organizations and churches are required by their funding sources to have an annual financial audit performed. An audit provides the highest level of assurance to an organization’s funding sources that your financial statements have been presented in conformity with an appropriate financial reporting framework and that they are fairly stated in all material respects. As a part of an audit, we thoroughly examine the financial statements and underlying detail to determine if we agree that your financial statements are presented without material errors. We also provide specialized audits for entities receiving funding from government sources to ensure your compliance with their regulatory requirements, also known as a Uniform Guidance audit.

ReviewA review provides limited assurance regarding the financial statements. A review also requires that we examine your financial statements, but in a much more limited capacity. For this type of engagement, we do not provide an opinion on the financial statements, but rather provide limited assurance that no material modifications need to be made to your set of financial statements for them to be in accordance the applicable financial reporting framework.

CompilationsA compilation does not provide any assurance regarding the financial statements. We simply assist you with presenting your financial information in the form of an applicable financial reporting framework. In this type of engagement, we do not perform any verification procedures.

Elizabeth’s Easy Assurance Breakdown

A compilation is like a virtual visit with the doctor. You provide all the information to them and they return with a simple book diagnosis. No assurance about your overall health.

A review is like getting an annual check-up at the doctor. They run a couple basic tests and ask a few questions to see how you’re feeling. They give a basic report about your health based solely on what you told them and their basic tests. They provide limited assurance regarding your overall health.

An audit is like going to the doctor and having blood work done. They do basic procedures along with more detailed tests. If unusual test results come back, then more tests are completed until they are satisfied with their diagnosis. The doctor wants to help you feel better, but the extra tests can be uncomfortable and annoying. However, in the end, you are provided the highest assurance of your overall health.

Other Specialized Engagements

Internal Control ReviewAn internal control review is a consulting service in which we review your internal control systems with the purpose of generating recommendations of how to improve your operating controls and efficiencies. This is a valuable service for organizations and churches looking to have an audit performed in future years as well as those who are simply wanting to see how their systems are working.

Final Cost Certification If you are in the middle of a large construction project funded by public sources, you may have been told you will need a cost certification at the completion of your project. For this type of engagement, we audit the construction project costs and funding sources of the project to ensure they have been properly recorded and presented to the funding agency. We obtain underlying support for the construction project as well as visit your new facility. This type of engagement is limited to a specific construction project and can span over multiple years as defined by the construction period.